Archbishop benson idahosa on youtube
Bishop david oyedepo.
Archbishop benson idahosa on youtube
BensonAndrew Idahosa, a charismatic Pentecostal preacher who founded the Church of God Mission International, which has itsheadquarters in Benin City, Nigeria, was born on September 11, 1938, and passed away on March 12, 1998.
Many Christiansknew him by his nicknames, PAPA or BA.Being the initial Pentecostal Archbishop in Nigeria, he was well-known for hisstrong religious beliefs.According to T. L. Osborn, he is the world’s finest African representative of the apostolic Christian faith.Born within a mostly non-Christian community to non-Christian parents, his father, John, rejected him because he was weakand fragile.When he was younger, he experienced frequent fainting spells.
During one of these spells, his father gave his mother Sarah instructions to leave him at a trash pile, assuming he was dead.
After several hours, he woke up, started to cry, and needed his mother’s help to be saved.He was raised in a low-income family.His family’s home was made of mud, ju