All but my life summary of chapters

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    All but my life summary of chapters

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  • All But My Life Summary & Study Guide

    All But My Life by Gerda Weissmann Klein is the true story of her family's tragic struggle as Polish Jews during the German invasion in World War II. Their family, relatives, and friends, along with the young teen's hopes and dreams,y are destroyed by the invading Nazis.

    The reader must be prepared for a touching, emotionally wrought story that will bring the hardest of hearts to tears. That these actual experiences happened within the last seventy years is unthinkable. No measure of understanding can be applied to the barbaric treatment of one group of human beings by another as described in this story.

    All but my life summary of chapters by book

    Everyone knows the story of the Holocaust in a historic sense. But reading and absorbing the details, the humiliation, fear, terror, and pain that Gerda and her family are forced to endure touch the very soul of the reader.

    Gerda is a happy and popular fifteen-year-old girl in the town of Bielitz when the Germans invade.

    She lives with her mot