Treaty yothu yindi lyrics to how great

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    Treaty yothu yindi lyrics to how great

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  • Treaty yothu yindi lyrics to how great things
  • Yothu Yindi biography addresses ‘a really important story that hadn’t been fully told’

    Be it the original or the remix, you’ve likely heard it on the radio and seen it on the television – to borrow a phrase – more times than you’ve had hot dinners.

    30 years on, it remains one of the most culturally-significant songs in Australian history.

    Matt Garrick, a longtime ABC broadcaster and journalist, has memories attached to the song from as young as six.

    Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

    “I can remember being at the Powerhouse Museum, and there was an exhibition running about Australian music,” he recalls.

    “That song was already part of it even then – it really did feel like it was everywhere you looked.

    “My dad took me to a Santana show at Centennial Park in Sydney, and Yothu Yindi opened. It was incredible – hearing the didgeridoo ringing out across the park really made me feel something I