Bernard mcginn interview with god

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    Bernard mcginn interview with god

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  • ‘Lived from the Heart’: an interview with Bernard McGinn, part two

    BM: Four things. First, mysticism gradually moves beyond the level of the educated clergy and monastics to involve the whole Christian community.

    It’s more democratic. Second, it’s more secular—that is, it’s out in the world, no longer just in the monasteries.

    Bernard mcginn interview with god john

    It’s in the marketplaces. It’s in the new mendicant orders, chiefly the Franciscan and Dominican friars, who are preaching to the people in the towns. It’s also moving into the vernacular. Before 1200, almost everything is in Latin, or in Greek in the East.

    After that, mystical literature spreads into all the new vernaculars: French, German, Dutch, Italian, English.

    KW: What about the women mystics?

    BM: In the thirteenth century, for the first time educated women began to write mystical literature, though a couple of women like Hildegard of Bingen wrote earlier.

    From this time on, women, if they’re going to make a theological contribution, make 9