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Pierre bourdieu habitus...
Pierre Bourdieu: Biography, Cultural Capital, Habitus, and Criticism
Pierre Bourdieu was a French sociologist, anthropologist, philosopher and public intellectual, who was born on 1 August 1930 and died on 23 January 2003.
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Bourdieu’s work was mainly a study of the dynamics of power in the society and how it is transferred within the social constructs of society and through generations. His best-known book “Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment Taste” looks to analyze the judgment of an individual based on their position, or even better, are the results of the position.
In the process, he tried to analyze the influences of both external social structures and subjective experiences on an individual.
The Public Intellectual
Bourdieu developed a keen interest in the politics around him, being a critic of neoliberalism, many saw him leaned towards the Marxist sense of things.
He saw sociology not as “intellectual entertainment” but as a serious discipline of science to