Matthew henson biography timeline reporter

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    Matthew henson biography book!

    Matthew Henson was an African American explorer most known for accompanying Robert Peary on multiple expeditions to the Arctic, and in 1909 they claimed to be the first team to reach the North Pole.

    It has been long debated whether or not Peary and Henson actually reached the North Pole – there was even a Congressional hearing on the matter – but Henson’s life and accomplishments are remarkable nonetheless.

    Matthew Henson was born in Charles County, Maryland in 1866 to freeborn sharecroppers.

    Both of his parents passed away before he reached the age of ten.

    Matthew henson biography timeline reporter

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  • Matthew eventually made his way to Baltimore where he found work as a cabin boy on a merchant ship named the Katie Hines.

    Henson spent approximately five years working on the Katie Hines and in that time he visited countries throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe.

    He was also mentored by the ship’s captain, Captain Childs. From Captain Childs, Henson learned about navigation, nautical mathematics, geo