J ed barat biography

  • J ed barat biography
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    Barat, Joseph Edouard 22.sep.1882-10.sep.1963 France, Paris - Paris Seine-et-Marne Chelles
    saxophonist, bandmaster, after 1900 studied piano with Paul Vidal, harmony with Emile Pessard and composition with Georges Caussade at the Conservatoire National de Paris, twice failed the exam for bandmaster of the Paris Garde Republicaine, 1910-1911 bandmaster of the 30e Regiment d'Infanterie at Annecy, 1911 decorated Officier d'Academie, 1920 bandmaster of the 119e Regiment d'Infanterie, he founded a school for bandmasters, 1923 residing in Paris Asnieres he was decorated Officier de l'instruction publique, 25.oct.1932 bandmaster/captain of the 5e Regiment d'Infanterie, 1933 retired as bandmaster of the French Army in Lyon, 1934-1944 bandmaster of fanfare La Sirene in Paris, 16.jun.1920 decorated Chevalier, 23.apr.1924 Grand Chancelier and 6.aug.1932 Officier de la Legion d'honneur, 1936 as composer member of Societe des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique (SACEM) Paris ; son of