David hartley philosophy biography of mahatma
David Hartley - New World Encyclopedia...
1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Hartley, David
The outlines of Hartley’s theory are as follows.
David hartley philosophy biography of mahatma
With Locke he asserted that, prior to sensation, the human mind is a blank. By a growth from simple sensations those states of consciousness which appear most remote from sensation come into being. And the one law of growth of which Hartley took account was the law of contiguity, synchronous and successive.
By this law he sought to explain, not only the phenomena of memory, which others had similarly explained before him, but also the phenomena of emotion, of reasoning, and of voluntary and involuntary action (see Association of Ideas).
By his physical theory Hartley gave the first strong impulse to the modern study of the intimate connexion of physiological and psychical facts which has proved so fruitful, though his physical theory in itself is inadequate, and has not been largely adopted.
He held that sensation is the result of a vibration of the minute particles of the medullary sub